
About First youth

First Youth is the Student Ministry at First Baptist Church, Pittsburg Texas. FirstYouth exists to connect students with Jesus Christ by encouraging and guiding them in their personal walk with him and in providing a welcoming place for fellowship, an essential aspect of their journey with Christ. Take a minute and browse through the different links and see what we have to offer here at FirstYouth. We range from several different events, weekly fellowships, small groups, and Bible Study/Worship times. We would love to have you come visit and see what's going on here at FirstYouth!

Still have questions?

Contact our Minister of Students, Kassidy Harris, at KHarris@fbcpittsburg.org or check out this letter to our parents by clicking here.

WEDNESDAYS @ First Youth

Inside Out: Jr. high Worship

In our Christian walk, it is hardly the left turns that get us lost, instead, it tends to be a subtle drift off-course. Once we follow that slight misdirection for a while, we can find ourselves far from our original destination.

Inside Out is a weekly opportunity for our Jr. High students to redirect, or point, our lives back towards Jesus. This constant re-orientation can help us stay on course. The Christian walk is truly about endurance and we want to help our students gradually grow to be more like Jesus.

At InsideOut, we’ve created a large group environment that attracts Jr. High students. After all, we figure students want to be wherever their friends are. We make this time as fun and relevant as we possibly can.

But we go a couple steps further and do two things we believe are vitally important for students: we pay attention to what’s going on in their lives, and we care about them. This happens in our small group environment. Every week after large group, students will get together with their small group to spend time in a more intimate setting, talking, processing, and praying about what’s going on in their lives.

It’s simple: big group to small group. The goal is for them to leave feeling energized to go out there and tackle another week!

See you Wednesday Night at Inside Out! Here is a rundown of what to expect every Wednesday night:

4:00 - The Pitt (Student Building) Opens

5:00 - Supper is Served

6:00 - Worship & Bible Study

7:00 - Life Groups

***Life Groups - These groups are lead by one of our adults on our Leadership Team and are gender specific. Each student will be assigned a Life Group through the entire semester. This will allow each Life Group to become close to one another and hold each other accountable! Each group will also have time to discuss the message in greater detail. 

Sunday Mornings @ First Youth

Sundays offer many opportunities for students to get involved at FBC.

9:45 AM - Breakfast @ The Pitt (Student Building) 

10:00 AM - Small Groups



Inside out: high school worship 

Sunday nights are designed and has the same model has our Jr. High Inside Out. We have created different spaces for our Jr. High and High School to worship and dig into scripture. Our goal is to surround our students around their similar age range. 

Sunday nights are discussion driven. We love allowing our students to grow in their spiritual walk by topics that relate to their needs. 

We also allow our High School students to come on Wednesday nights to mentor our Jr. High students. We love seeing the relationships forming and true growth happening.  

We believe that one of the greatest road blocks in sharing Christ with non-believers are Christians who say one thing, and do another. At High School Inside Out, we desire to teach the gospel in a way that leads to true life-change. The Bible is real, and we want to show its power to our students.


For more information on Sundays, please contact Kassidy. We would love to get you involved!