First Kids is the Children's Ministry here at First Baptist Pittsburg. Our weekly Bible study begins every Sunday morning at 10:00 AM on the first floor of The Lighthouse. This ministry is for children from kindergarten through 6th grade.

Each month, our children have a new theme to learn.  With that theme comes a new Bible verse to memorize and "Bottom Lines" to take away each week.  All of the First Kids receive a hand-out every Sunday to help them delve into God's Word more throughout the week with the help of their parents.


First Kid's Club is designed for children Kindergarten through 4th grade. Children sit in a large group in front of the stage during the 11 AM song service.  Before the sermon begins when the "First Kid's Club" logo is shown on the screen, the children will be lead downstairs to learn about an age appropriate Bible story.  The children will also play games at this time and work on Bible verse memorization.  You can pick your child up after the service is over. 

First Kids:Preschool

First Kids:Preschool is the Infant, Toddler and Preschool Department at First Baptist Church. We strive to provide a fun, loving and encouraging place to learn about Christ. We offer engaging activities that teach children about the Bible on their level. Our teaching points children toward 3 central truths: God Made Me, God Loves Me, and Jesus Wants to Be My Friend Forever. Our preschool activities include Sunday Morning small group, Preschool Church and Zip for Preschoolers on Wednesday Night. We also offer special events throughout the year such as play days, parent's night out and more!

Our mission in First Kids:Preschool includes:

 - Providing a safe and loving atmosphere in which babies and preschoolers can enjoy learning about Jesus.

 - Laying a foundation for future spiritual growth in each baby and preschooler. 

Child Care Reimbursement

We would be happy to assist with your childcare costs during small groups and other ministry events offered when the nursery is closed. Click the button below.


Please fill out the following form to register for childcare provided in our nursery during a special event or bible study.